Sunday, February 3, 2013

Jade (Mortal Kombat) - Alternative Mog for The Amazing Transmog Survivor Contest

This was one of the many transmogs that I rejected for the Mortal Kombat round of JD's Amazing Transmog Survivor Contest. Ultimately I figured some of the other contestants would pick this character, so I chose Scorpion instead. It turns out I was wrong though. Not only did nobody pick her, there was also another Scorpion - d'oh!

This round we needed to create a Transmog based on a character from Mortal Kombat. JD's rules were to "choose a toon and basically create a costume emulating one of the characters from in the game.  Perhaps your Goblin will put on his best Scorpion or Sub-Zero costume…perhaps your Night Elf will grab a fan and look like Princess Kitana.  The choice is yours and any character is fair game.  Speaking of which, the full list can be found here.  As is the norm, the outfit must be a proper endgame Mog."

I based this particular outfit on Jade. ~

Items used in this Transmog & Source:

Venomshroud Mask - level 50ish world drop
Greenweave Mantle- level 20 - 30 world drop
Green Woolen Vest - tailoring (85)
Greenweave Gloves - level 15-25 world drop
Watcher's Cuffs - level 25 - 30 world drop
Councillor's Sash - level 50 -55 world drop
Black Mageweave Leggings - tailoring (205)
Vinerot Sandals - Razorlash, Maraudon
Darkspear Monk's Staff  - quest reward from Proving Pit(Horde)
or Digging Staff - quest reward from The Last Refugee (Alliance)

See this transmog on other race models: Wowhead item comparison of this set